Everything is possible with Jesus

Everything is possible with Jesus
Photo by Chang Ye / Unsplash

Hello, guys!

Welcome to Sunday school.

I have a question for you: What is your ability? What can you do? (Kids can answer with things like "Math," "Dance," etc.)

Yes, you can do those things. But where does your ability come from? Is it from you?Actually, it is from Jesus. We can do everything when we believe in Jesus.

Now, let's read today's verse.

Theo, can you read it?

“‘If you can?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.” - MARK 9:23

When Jesus went to the mountain with Peter, James, and John, the rest of the disciples argued with the teachers of the law. Maybe the disciples felt hurt inside. Jesus took only Peter, James, and John with Him.

It seems like they were more focused on whether they could reach a higher position rather than thinking about Jesus. They might have thought they were better than Peter in math, smarter than Andrew, and spoke better than John. They kept wondering why Jesus took other disciples to the mountain instead of them.

In the midst of this, a father came to them and brought his son. The son was sick, possessed by a bad spirit that threw him to the ground, made him foam at the mouth, and gnash his teeth.

However, the disciples couldn't drive out the spirit. The father was desperate and asked Jesus, "If you can do anything, take pity on us and help us."

Jesus replied, "If you can? Everything is possible for one who believes."

Then the father cried out, "I do believe! Help me overcome my unbelief!" The spirit shrieked, convulsed violently, and came out.

That's amazing! Jesus can heal; He can do everything possible! But we have to understand this: Jesus said, "Everything is possible for one who believes." When we believe in Jesus, everything is possible. Jesus has given us the same power. It's incredible; we can access the same power when we believe in Jesus.

However, we know that Jesus' disciples believed in Him. So why couldn't they drive out the evil spirit?

When we face a task, we often think about our abilities first. "I'm smart. I've done this before. I used to it."

We rely on our experience and believe in our own ability. 

But we need to realize that these abilities are gifts from Jesus.

Especially in difficult situations, we should know that it's not our abilities that make things possible but only through the power of Jesus that all things become possible.

Everything is possible with Jesus. 

Shall we say it again?

Everything is possible with Jesus. 

When we are faced on trouble or not, 

I hope we always rely on Jesus. 

Let's pray together.

Heavenly Father,

We believe in Jesus. We can do everything when we believe in Him. Jesus is our hope and strength. Help us to rely on Jesus always. I pray in Jesus' name.
