Mark11 : Hosanna!

Mark11 : Hosanna!
Photo by Brady Leavell / Unsplash

Hello, Guys.

Welcome to Sunday School.

Today's title is "Hosanna."

Let's jump into the story.

Let's go ahead and read today's passage together.


“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”

MARK 11:9

Finally, Jesus and His disciples approached Jerusalem.

Just before entering Jerusalem, Jesus said to His disciples,

"Go to the village ahead of you, and just as you enter it, you will find a donkey tied there. no one has ever ridden before. Untie it and bring it here."

Can we bring someone else's donkey?

The disciples were curious.

Jesus understood their hearts and said,

"If anyone asks you why you are untying it, say, 'The Lord needs it,' and they will send it here shortly."

So they went and found a donkey on the street, and the people there allowed them to take it.

Can each of you offer what Jesus needs when He asks? What can you lend to Jesus? (Listen to the children's responses.)

Can you offer yourself as well?

If someone is willing to offer yourselves, please raise your hand.

We are all creations blessed by Jesus. May we learn the obedience of offering what is ours when Jesus says, "The Lord needs it."

The donkey Jesus rode was a young one that no one had ridden before. Jesus chose a humble donkey over a majestic horse to fulfill the prophecy of Zechariah 9:9.

I'll read it for you.

See, your king comes to you,

righteous and victorious,

lowly and riding on a donkey,

on a colt, the foal of a donkey.


At that time, kings used grand and fancy horses in times of war and humble donkeys in times of peace. Jesus came as a peaceful and humble King.

The disciples and the crowd placed their cloaks on the donkey's back and on the road. They welcomed Jesus, their Savior, and King, with joy.

Why did they welcome Jesus in this way?

At that time, Israel was under Roman rule, and the people believed that the Messiah would come to save them. Every day they imagined the Savior riding on a donkey, exactly as Jesus did.

The people of Jerusalem were overjoyed, laying palm leaves on the ground and waving branches, shouting, "Hosanna!"

What did they seek salvation from?

Some may have sought deliverance from Roman oppression, 

others from hunger and poverty, and some from sickness.

They had all different reasons, but they all needed their savior. 

Jesus not only healed the sick in Jerusalem but came to bring peace and glory to the land.

We need Jesus, too. 

Jesus is our savior and the only king. 

Let's wave our hands and 

say "Hosanna" together three times in a loud voice,

 "Hosanna! Hosanna, Hosanna"

Let's pray together.

Thank you, gracious God, for sending us the King of Peace, Jesus. We praise Hosanna, the humble King. May today's lesson linger in our hearts. In Jesus Christ's name, we pray. Amen.