Who is big?

Who is big?

1. "Welcome to today's Sunday school. 

The title for today is 'Who is big?' Let's read today's passage.

2. "What were you discussing on the road?" Jesus asked his disciples. The disciples discussed along the way.

3. Oh,the disciples seem upset. I guess they argued each other, not discuss. They were arguing about who is big.

4.  Disciples might have said,

 I'm strong and good at fighting. I should be the leader. 

Am I not the tallest? I can be a great leader. 

No, the smartest person is me. I can wisely lead the people. 

No! The most popular person is me. I can be the most popular leader.

5. "What do you think, who should be the leader? (Listen to the children's answers.)

What do you think Jesus said?

6. "Jesus said, 'Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last and the servant of all.'

7. "Jesus said that serving anyone, even a little child, is serving Him. Can you serve a baby all day? Babies cry anytime, and you have to feed them, play with them. Taking care of a baby is very tiring.

But Jesus said that to be the first, you have to serve others like this. Stand at the back and pray for others to receive more blessings and hope others will be served more. The one who prays like this and hopes others are served more is the greatest.

8. "The rules in God's kingdom are totally different from the rules in this world. In this world, people want to know who is the greatest. 

But in God's kingdom, it's important to be the one who serves the most.

Dear friends,

Do you want to be great in God's kingdom? Look for ways to serve someone today. You can read a book for a young brother who doesn't know how to read or play with him. 

You can help your mom with household chores.

And when standing in line at school, you can let your friends go first without fighting to be in the front.

9. "You can also share food with neighbors who need it. You can help elderly grandparents who need assistance. Taking care of the environment by properly disposing of trash and loving the environment is also a form of service.

  1. I hope my friends become the best servers.

Let's pray.

Thank you, Lord, for teaching us about serving others today. 

When we serve others, we become great. Please give us hearts that overflow with generosity and warmth. We pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen."