Listen or not listen

Listen or not listen

1. Today's message is from Mark chapter 6, verses 1 to 13.

Now, let's play a game.

"touch your eyes." (Touch your eyes.)

"touch your nose." (Touch your nose.)

"touch your belly button." (Touch your belly button.)

"touch your ears." (Touch your ears.)

"And push your ears and close them."

"Can you hear me? Are you listening?"

(Speak very quietly or just pretend to speak.)

"And now, open your ears."

(Motion- remove your hands from your ears.)

You were looking at me, but when you closed your ears, you couldn't hear my voice.

But when you opened your ears, you could hear my words very well.

Today's title is "listen or not listen."

Will you listen well to  Jesus? Or  not listen?

(They respond.)

Okay, let's start.

let's first read today's scripture.

 They went out and preached that people should repent.

 They drove out many demons and anointed many sick people with oil and healed them.

One day, Jesus was preaching in his hometown. Jesus' words were soooo interesting, fuuull of grace, and overflowingggg  with wisdom.

People were amazed! How could someone be so wise? How could such incredible miracles happen?

They marveled at Jesus' abilities.

People were amazed! How could someone be so wise? How could such incredible miracles happen?

They marveled at Jesus' abilities.

Jesus' words were filled with love. Jesus had compassion and healed many sick people. He shared a wonderful message of loving one another. Jesus' stories made love bloom in their hearts. But...


(5-7, This scene is staged dramatically, like a musical.)

He's not the Messiah! I am not gonna listen! (Say it louder.)

I saw Jesus when he was young.

He is Mary's son!

He's not the Messiah! ! I am not gonna see! (Louder)

He was our town's carpenter.

He fixed our house.

My house, too!! (Other people said)

He's not the Messiah! ! I am not gonna tell!  (Loudly)

He is James, Joseph, Judas, and Simon's brother!

He's not the Messiah!


They couldn't believe in Jesus' love and words. They remembered Jesus as just a regular person from their town.


Even though they saw Jesus' miracles, they couldn't believe in him.

They just didn't listen.

They just didn't see.

They just didn't tell to anybody.

They just didn't want to believe him.


So, in his hometown, Jesus couldn't perform many miracles anymore.

Jesus instructed his disciples to go to different villages and preach the Gospel.

Did the disciples take money?

Clothes? Did they have food?


The disciples didn't take money, bread, or clothes with them.

But many people welcomed and took care of them, allowing them to stay and share Jesus' teachings.


People who heard Jesus' teachings experienced healing and were freed from evil spirits. Jesus' love was among them. They listened to Jesus' words.



when we hear the message at church every week,

we might think, "Oh, I already know this message. I've heard it before. I have been attending Sunday School for 1 year, so now I am a Bible Master."

 But we should always open our ears and listen to Jesus' words with a fresh heart.


And just like the disciples who shared Jesus' teachings,

we should also share Jesus' words. When we listen well and share his words

, Jesus' love will abound among us.


Let's pray.


Heavenly Father,

Thank you for allowing us to hear today's message. We always want to listen to Jesus' words with a fresh heart. Please give us new hearts. Help us to be used as disciples who share Jesus. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.