Gen1:28 Rule over!

Gen1:28 Rule over!
Photo by paweldotio / Unsplash

Hi, Guys!
Welcome to Sunday school.
Today's title is "Rule Over"
Rule over means take care.

Let's read the verse.

After creating the whole world, God looked around and God was very happy.
The world is filled with wonderful animals and plants.
And God created humans in his image.
Do you remember we made the decalcomie last week?
God created us just like him.

God made a beautiful place for the man and woman to live, an amazing garden.
God named the man Adam and the woman Eve.

God told Adam and Eve, "I need someone to help me take care of this amazing world.
Will you help me?"
How about you guys? Will you help God?

Adam and Eve said, "Sure, We'd love to help you, God."
Adam and Eve were happy to care for God's beautiful world.
All around them was incredible creation.

Together, they walked around the garden, amazed with what they saw.
There were tall trees and short trees, fat trees and skinny trees.

"Wow, Eve, look at this! There are flowers of every size and color!"
"Amazing!" Eve said to Adam.
"It's all so beautiful."
Everywhere they looked, they saw an amazing world.

When she looked at all of the animals God placed in the garden,
God asked them to give all the animals names to help them to take care of animals.

This tall, tall creature is called giraffe! the silly one with a long nose, she will be an elephant.
And this one with black and white stripe pattern is a zebra. And this chubby creature will be a hippo!

God was happy to see that Adam and Eve were taking such good care of everything in creation.

What are some of your favorite things that God created?
We are going to make an animal puppet and take care of it during the week.

Let's pray.
Heavenly Father
Thank you for making this wonderful world.
And thank you for giving us the job.
We will take care of every creature in this world.
We prayed in Jesus' name, amen

It was written by referring to the contents of the Spark bible.