A very sad day

A very sad day

Hi guys!

Welcome to Sunday school today.

Do you remember God created a beautiful world and gave Adam and Eve the job last week?

I hope our friends also cared for the animal puppets we made last week.

God created the beautiful Garden of Eden for Adam and Eve.

It was full of various fruits and cute and cool animal friends.

How pretty is the garden that God decorated himself?

It would be a wonderful place!



God gave them only one thing not to do.

It was not to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the center of the garden.

Can our friends obey these words?

(Children answer.)

Yes, you guys are so great!

Adam and Eve also decided to follow God's command.


However…, A snake appeared. The snake spoke in a cunning voice. “Eve, did God really tell you not to eat all the fruit in the garden?”

Eve answered. “No, we can eat fruit from other trees, but he told us not to eat or touch the tree in the middle of the garden. If we didn’t, he said we would die.”

Then the snake spoke quickly. “You will never die. God said that because if you eat it, you can become like God.”

  When Eve looked at the fruit from the tree again, she saw that it was really delicious and looked nice and beautiful.

Eve really thought that if she ate that fruit, she would become wise.

Eve picked the fruit quickly, ate it, and gave it to Adam.



 What happened to Adam and Eve after that?

Their eyes opened, and they realized they were naked.

And they hid from God.

God looked for Adam. “Where are you?

Adam answered. “I hid because I was embarrassed that I was naked.”


 What would you do if you were there?

Would you eat the fruit?

What if you were really, really hungry?

What if your friend gave that fruit to you?


Adam and Eve did not obey God’s word.

Can you guess how God felt at that time?

Was God angry?

Did God no longer love Adam and Eve?

God still loved them.

God made leather clothes for them.

God also promised to send Jesus to save us.

God gave his Son, Jesus Christ, for our sins.


When we repent our sins and believe in Jesus as our Lord, God forgives our sins.


  John 3:16 says:

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

 A long, long time ago,

There was a sad day.

The day Adam and Eve ate the fruit and hid.

There are still sad days when we feel sad and upset because of our sins.

But let's remember:

God always loves us.

God sent his son Jesus to save us from our sins.


Let’s pray.

Heavenly father,

I sometimes do not obey God’s words.

However, God always loves me.

Thank you for your amazing love.

Thank you for sending Jesus Christ.

I pray in the name of Jesus Christ.
