Genesis 1:1 God created everything.

Genesis 1:1 God created everything.
Photo by Tom Morel / Unsplash

Hello Friends, 

Who created this world?

(Kids will know the answer well.)


Let’s read the verse together. 

God created the heavens God created the heavens and the earth. 

In the beginning, there was nothing. 

It was dark, empty and formless. 

Listen, the wind of God blew. 

Whish! Woosh! Swoosh! 

God said, “Let there be light!”

Crackle, Boom, Bang!

There was light. 

God saw that the light was good. 


God divided the light and the darkness into day and night. 

On the second day, God said, “Let there be a sky.”


There was a sky. 

God said the sky was good. 

On the third day, 

God said, “Let there be water and dry land!”


There was water. 

That was good. 

 And God said,  “Let there be plants and trees!”

Rumble, Rustle, Pop!

THere were plants and trees. 

God saw that the plants and trees were good. 

On the fourth day, God said, 

“Let there be a sun and a moon and stars!”

Glimmer! Shimmer! Shine!

There was a sun and a moon and thousands of stars. 

God saw that the sun and the moon and stars were good. 

 On the fifth day, God said,

“Let there be fish and birds!”

Wiggle! Splish!

Tweet! Tweet!

There were fish and birds. 

It looks good. 

 On the sixth day, God said, 

“Let there be animals!”

Snort! Snort! Growl! Prowl!

And God made the people. 

God saw the people were very good. 

God was so happy. 

God made it all!

Let’s Pray. 

Heavenly father. 

Thank you for making this world so wonderful. 

You made the sun to shine, 

The animals to plan

And everything is so special. Thank you for creating us with Love. 

I Prayed in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Patti Thisted Arthur ... (2015). SPARK STORY BIBLE. Sparkhouse