[Gen1:27] God created us in his image

[Gen1:27] God created us in his image
Photo by Transly Translation Agency / Unsplash

Hello, Friends!
Do you know that God created us in his image?

Let's read today's verse three times.
God created mankind in his own image his.
God created mankind in his own image his.
God created mankind in his own image his.

This means that we resemble God.
We all look like our parents. What part of you do you think resembles your parents?
(Theo's dark hair resembles his dad's.)
Just as we resemble the faces of our parents, we resemble God.
Which side is similar? What aspects of us resemble God?

I wanted to know what parts of God I resembled,
so I searched the Bible. I first looked for God’s characteristics.

First, God is very loving.
The Bible says we should love one another. All our love comes from God.
God is love.
Let us all read the words together.
“Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God.”
God is Love."

Second, God is holy.
To be holy means to be white and clean like snow.
We must be holy like God.
We must cherish our bodies and always keep them clean.
Our body is also the temple where God resides.

The Bible also says to be holy.
Let’s read it together.
“Be holy because I, the Lord your God am holy.”

Lastly, God is righteous.
What does it mean to be righteous?
We must always be on the right side.
Good or Bad?
We must always be on the side of Good.

Within us is God’s Love, Holy, and righteous.
We must live in a way that resembles God.

Do you know decalcomanie?
If we spray paint on the right side, fold it and unfold it,
It looks great.
We are decalcomania, similar to God.
Let’s express God’s character with paint on the right, and create ourselves who resemble him exactly.

Let's pray.

Heavenly Father,
Thank you for making us just like you.
We have Love in us just like you.
We have Holyness in us just like you.
And we have righteousness in us just like you.
I pray in Jesus' name. Amen.