Noah's ark

Noah's ark
Photo by Elias Null / Unsplash

Hello, friends!
Welcome to Sundayschool.
Today's mesage is about "Noah's ark"

A Wicked people.
A long time has passed since God created the world.
People separated from God and forgot about God.
There were only evil things in people's hearts.
God was sad. God planned to wipe out everything on this earth.

But Noah pleased God all the time.
God couldn't sweep him.
He always asked God and prayed to God. He was a man who walked with God.

Let's read the verse together.
"Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God. Genesis 6:9"

God said to Noah.
"I am going to bring rain to flood the earth. Lots and lots of rain.
Build a huge boat."

Noah did just what God said and made a big, big boat with lots of rooms.
When people saw Noah building a big boat, they laughed at him. People said he must be crazy. But Noah listened to the word of God, not the words of people.

God brought two of every kind of animal to the boat.
Pola bears and rhinos, sheep and monkeys, lions and raccoons,
bunnies and elephants, bears, turtles and giraffes!
All came two by two.

I always wondered how Noah brought so many animals with him. But that wasn't what Noah did. God commanded the animals to go to Noah. Those animals also obeyed God’s words.

One day,
The Lord then said to Noah,
“Go into the ark, you and your whole family, because I have found you righteous in this generation."

What happens next? Let’s continue listening to the story next time.
We learned that Noah was a righteous man. And he learned to obey God's word. Even animals obeyed God. Are you going to obey God? I believe that we will all obey God and board the ark of salvation.

Let's pray.
Heavenly father,
Thank you for helping me learn about Noah’s righteousness.
We will obey obey God.
And will be there, in the ark of salvation.
please save us from the sinners.
We prayed in Jesus' name.