God's Design for Marriage

God's Design for Marriage
Photo by Sandy Millar / Unsplash

Hello, friends.

Today, we are going to learn about "Marriage."

Do you know what marriage is?

(Listen to children's opinions about marriage. Give some more questions like, "What is marriage? Who among us is married?")

You already know about marriage.

At the beginning of creation, God already designed "marriage."

Let's read the verse together:

"But at the beginning of creation, God 'made them male and female.'"

After creating the world, God made them.

Do you know who they are?

(They will answer, "Adam and Eve!")

Yes, they are Adam and Eve.

God allowed them to marry.

There is a man (show your left hand) and a woman (show your right hand).

(Move your hands differently.)

They are different persons; they look different and have different personalities, like different food.

And the man might be a morning person like early birds, but the woman would like to sleep late like owls.

How about your parents?

What is the difference between them?

(Children may answer something.)

Yes, everyone is different because God created us very uniquely.

But when they marry, these differences form a beautiful, harmonious union.

Guys, follow my motion. There is a man (left hand) and a woman (right hand).

And when they marry and become together (Clasp, lock your fingers together.), they can't be a part of them like before.

God said they are one body.

It means they can't separate because God designed this marriage.

In marriage, two individuals become a team, facing life's challenges together.

Let's read the verse: "The two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one flesh."

Marriage is a special gift from God.

It might be hard to understand now.

But as you grow, you will understand its meaning better. 

And if you get the right meaning of marriage, it will guide you to build and care for your future families.

Let's pray.

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for creating marriage.

We are all different.

But we can be a wonderful family in God.

Help us to love and understand others.

Help us to grow in Jesus.

In Jesus’ name we pray
