The rich and the kingdom Mark 10:17-31

The rich and the kingdom Mark 10:17-31
Photo by ROCCO STOPPOLONI / Unsplash

Hello, everyone!

Welcome to Sunday school. Can you read the title? "Good or God." It's a story about a rich man and the kingdom of God.

Once upon a time, there was a man. He was a really good person. He was kind and honest, always worked hard, and respected his parents.

Look at this. Let's go back in time. When he was a little boy, he was good.(Thumbs up.) 

He was also a good brother to his brothers. (Thumbs up). 

Who here is a good brother? (Children will answer, "me!","me!")

And he was a good son. (Two thumbs up.)

Who's a good son? If you're a good son, raise your hand. (Kids will answer.) He was a good student, too. He was very respectful and polite. Who's like him? Who's the best listener at school? (They will answer.) And he went to a good school and college. Eventually, he became rich. He has got a successful life. 

He wanted to learn more about good things. And he heard about Jesus, who is the best teacher. 

He went to Jesus and asked about eternal life. 

He wanted a life even better than the one he had.

What did Jesus say? Let's read the verse together.

"Go and sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come and follow me."

Jesus told him to sell everything and follow Him.

He was deep in thought. He didn't know if he should keep all the "good things" he had or follow Jesus for eternal life. It was a very, very tough decision.

If Jesus asked you, how would you answer?

Good things you have or following Jesus?

Jesus said entering the kingdom of God for a rich person is harder than a camel going through the eye of a needle. No "good man" can do it on their own.

We can't do it, but God can. The kingdom of heaven isn't for those who are just good. It's through God's grace. Let's choose to follow God instead of chasing a good life. When we follow God, He allows us to experience a better heaven than the good things on earth. 

Let's pray.

Dear Heavenly Father.

God is the only one who is good.

Only Jesus can give us eternal life.

Help us to love and follow Jesus.

Help us to love our neighbor.

We pray in the name of Jesus Christ.
