Mark10C: The Request of James and John

Mark10C: The Request of James and John
Photo by Savannah W. / Unsplash

Hello, Friends!

Welcome to Sunday School. 

Let’s read the title together. 

"The Request of James and John."

One day, John and James came to Jesus and asked.

Who are they?

They were disciples of Jesus.

And also they were relatives of Jesus.

They thought that when Jesus entered Jerusalem, there might be some hard times, but eventually, He would become a king. Before Jesus became a king, it seemed they had something to ask Him.

What do you think they asked Jesus?

(Listen to the children's answers.)

Do you have anything you would like to ask Jesus?

(Listen to the children's answers.)

They said to Jesus, "When we go to the heavenly kingdom, we want to sit on your right and left!"

They imagined themselves sitting beside Jesus, who wore a crown. A magnificent ruler!

That’s cool!

Upon hearing this story, the other 10 disciples became angry.

Why do you think they were angry?

(Ask the children.)

Because they also wanted to sit beside Jesus in high positions!

Do you also want to sit in high positions?

(Ask the children.)

When you think of a "king," what images come to mind?

(Listen to the children's answers.)

They are wealthy, powerful, and have authority. They believe that others should obey their words. They think they can do whatever they want!

Do you want to become a person with such power?

(Listen to the children's answers.)

However, Jesus said that those who seek to be great will be lower, and those who serve others will be greater.

 Jesus lived such a life.

Jesus washed the disciples' feet, even the dirty and smelly ones.

He helped people in need and listened to their stories. He always asked them what they needed.

And He loved us so much that He sacrificed His life.

The laws of God's kingdom are opposite to the laws of this world. Those who want to be high will become lower, and God will exalt those who serve others.

Do you want to be a person who serves others, like Jesus?

If you want to be like Jesus, Raise your hand.

(Listen to the children's answers.)

When we serve our neighbors, we can live like Jesus.

Jesus is our best example. 

Let's follow Jesus' example.

Let's read today's scripture.

"Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant."

Mark 10:43

Let's pray.

Thank you, Lord,

Jesus died for us. We pray that we also serve our neighbors like Jesus.

May we become people who serve like Jesus Christ.

In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.