Jesus Restores a Demon-Possessed Man

Jesus Restores a Demon-Possessed Man

Hello, Guys.

Today's title is "Jesus Restores a Demon-Possessed Man".

Let's read a verse first.

When they came to Jesus, they saw the man who had been possessed by the legion of demons, sitting there, dressed and in his right mind; and they were afraid.


Mark 5:15

There was a Demon-Possessed Man.

We don't know even his name.

He was a crazy man possessed by Demon.

(*Action : screaming and running around.)

He ran through the mountains screaming loudly.

(*Action : screaming and beating and scratching your body)

He beat his chest, and scratched his body.

 What should we do?

Shall we put him in chains?

(Kids will answer "yes".)


Ok, Let's do this.


 They chained him,

but he cut them off.

No one has ever beaten his power.

He lived alone in a cemetery.


One day, Jesus came to his village.

He ran to Jesus.

Jesus said to him, "You unclean spirit, come out of him!"

"Oh Jesus, don't bother me! I beg you."

Jesus asked him.

"What is your name?"

He replied that his name was "Army".


Because there were so many demons inside his body.

He begged Jesus.

"Jesus please don't kick us out of this town."

At that time, a large herd of pigs was eating grass there.

It was a large number of 2000.


Please let me go inside that herd of pigs.

Oh, 2000 pigs...

2000 pigs, not 200 pigs?

  Even if you calculate that 1 pig is 100 dollars

That's a lot of money, even over $200,000.

You can buy over 10,000 toys.

I can buy about 10,000 pizzas too.

Shall we save this demon-possessed man?

Or will you make more money by raising 2,000 pigs?


What a difficult question.

What decision did Jesus make?

Jesus caused an army of demons to enter a herd of 2000 pigs.


Jesus said that one soul is more precious than the whole world.

Because he was worth more than 2000 pigs.


Satan always tries to destroy us.

But Jesus loves us more than anything else.

He even gave up his own life to save our souls.


I hope it will be a week to be thankful for that love.

Let's pray.

You can repeat after me.

Heavenly father,

Satan always tried to destory us.

But Jesus is our strength.

Thank you for your love and mercy.

Let us thank your love and protection.

I prayed in Jesus' name.