Talitha Koum!

Talitha Koum!
  1. Today's message is from Mark chapter 5, where Jesus resurrected a young girl who had passed away and healed a sick woman.
    Talitha Koum! What does this phrase mean?
  2. Let's read the passage first. He took her by the hand and said to her, "Talitha Koum!" (which means "Little girl, I say to you, get up!")
    Mark chapter 5, verse 41

Do you remember last week's message? (You can jump and shout to help them recall.) Last week, we talked about how Jesus healed a man possessed by demons, and afterward, He crossed back to the other side by boat.
Many people there knew about Jesus and His power.

Look at this. Many people surround Jesus. They all want to see Jesus, and there's a big crowd, so Jesus is moving forward with some difficulty.

Among them was a man named Jairus.
He was both a judge in the town and a head teacher at the school where they taught the Bible. He was a highly respected elder in the village.
But suddenly, he knelt down in front of Jesus. (Action: Kneel down) "Jesus! Please, help my daughter! Please!"
Jesus was around 30 years old at that time. Look at John. John, how old are you? (John responds, "I'm 31.") Jesus was around the same age as John back then. It's surprising that a village elder would kneel down and plead to such a young Jesus.

He had a beautiful daughter. She was a precious child. Do you also have a precious person in your life? (Allow the children to think about their loved ones and answer.) Oh, everyone has someone precious. Shall we move on to the next part?

Oh dear, Jairus' daughter was very sick. She had seen many doctors and tried various treatments, but she only got worse instead of better.

Jairus was really sad. He couldn't heal his daughter with his reputation, money, or status. But he believed that Jesus could heal her! So, he put aside his pride and knelt before Jesus, asking for help.

Jesus was on His way to Jairus' house. But wait, something happened. (Let the children look at the picture and think.) A woman touched the edge of Jesus' robe.
This woman had been suffering from an incurable illness for 12 years.
Have any of you been sick for a long time? What did you think would make you better? How do you think you could be healed? (Children answer.)
She believed that by touching Jesus' robe, she could be healed.

Jesus spoke to the woman. "Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering."
Jesus saw her faith and healed her.

Later, when Jesus arrived at Jairus' house, He held the hand of Jairus' daughter, who had died, and said, "Talitha Koum!" Let's shout it together, "Talitha Koum!" Jesus told the girl, "Get up!" And she got up and walked.
Today's message is about how Jesus healed a girl and a woman. They believed that Jesus could heal them. Jesus sees our faith and responds to it.
Let's pray. (After I say it, repeat after me.) Thank you, Lord, We pray that we can come before Jesus with faith. Thank you for always showing us mercy and compassion. Please help us live this week trusting in Jesus. In Jesus Christ's name, we pray. Amen.