Jesus heals people

Jesus heals people

Welcome to Sunday School. Let's learn from the Bible what happened to Jesus and the people.

Let's read today's scripture.

He looked up to heaven and with a deep sigh said to him, “Ephphatha!”(which means “Be opened!”).

While Jesus was in this world, He did many things. He taught many people through the Bible and trained His disciples, and what else do you think He did? Shall we look at this picture? What's happening in it?

(Give time for children to answer.) 

Why do you think these people came to Jesus?

(Children may answer that they came because they were sick or needed help.) 

Jesus healed the sick people.

Can miracles still happen if we pray in Jesus' name? 

Even today, in various parts of the world, people who pray in Jesus' name can witness the miracle of healing.

A woman is crying here. Why do you think she is crying? (Listen to the children's answers.)

Her daughter was suffering because she was possessed by an evil spirit. She couldn't sleep well, couldn't eat, and was in pain. The woman was distressed because her daughter was suffering. The woman believed that Jesus would heal her daughter. Did Jesus heal the woman's daughter? (Wait for the children's response.) That's right. Jesus healed the woman's daughter, and the girl and her mother were grateful to Jesus.

Jesus met a young boy in a different area. What does he look like? (Listen to the children's answers.)

In fact, the boy couldn't hear or speak. Deaf means unable to hear, and mute means unable to speak. What do you think it's like not to be able to hear or speak?

Can he hear his mom when she calls him? Can he play with friends? (Listen to the children's answers.) What other difficulties might there be? (Listen to the children's answers.)

The boy was lonely and sad.

Jesus healed the boy's eyes and ears. He could play with friends and talk to his mother.

Jesus came to this world 2,000 years ago. Jesus turned sadness into joy. He gave hope to people in despair. He healed the sick.

When we face difficulties, remember: "Jesus, I need Your power!" When we pray to Jesus and read the Bible with His words, the same miracles can happen to us. Jesus can still heal us.

Let's pray.

Thank you, Lord.

Jesus can heal us.

Please help us to remember Jesus is the best healer.

Help us to pray to Jesus first.

Thank you for being with us.

I prayed in Jesus' name, amen.