Who am I?

Who am I?

Hello, everyone.

Welcome to Sunday School. 

Did you know we've already studied half of the Gospel of Mark? 

The Gospel of Mark has 16 chapters, and we're now on chapter 8. 

So, something very important happens today. 

Let's find out together.

 Today's scripture reading is:

Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."

Who do you think he is? Do you know the answer?

Any guesses? (Listen to children’s guesses.)

Talk to your parents and write down that name on your card. 

You can always change it later.

Let's look at the earlier part of the Gospel of Mark to learn who this person was.

This man was the greatest teacher of the Bible. Everyone was amazed by his teachings. They had never heard such teachings anywhere else.

Clue one: The best teacher!

He could even drive out demons. The demons were afraid of him.

Clue two: A strong man who can drive out demons!

He healed many people. Miracles happened around him constantly.

Clue three. Miracle healer. 

He healed people of any disease.

Moreover, this person was a friend to sinners. He loved people.

Clue four. A man of love and kindness.

He even fed 5,000 people with just two fish and five loaves of bread, and there were 12 baskets of leftovers.

Clue five. A man of amazing power.

But that's not all. Even the raging storms obeyed his words. With a simple command, "Be still," the storms calmed down. He even walked on the water.

Clue six. He can control the nature. 

Do you know who he is now? That's right. He is Jesus!

However, he was not just a teacher, not just a doctor, and not just a wise prophet. He was the Son of God who came to this earth in the human body.

He came to save us, just as Peter confessed. 

He was the Christ.

So we call Him Jesus Christ. 

Christ means “a Savior.”

He saved us from our sins. 

And He is a son of God from the heaven. 

He is the King of King. 

We want to confess just like Peter did.

Let's pray.

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for your grace.

Jesus is the Christ and the Son of God.

Jesus came to the world for our sins.

Help us to obey Jesus.

Help us to welcome him into our lives.

I pray in Jesus' name, Amen.