Watch out for the yeast!

Watch out for the yeast!

Hello, everyone!

Today, we have an exciting and important message from the Bible. It comes from Mark 8:15

Let’s read the text together.

“Be careful,” Jesus warned them.

 “Watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees and that of Herod.”

Have you ever made bread? (Ask the children and listen to their answers.)

 What ingredients do you need to make bread?

(Listen to the children’s answers slowly.)

Flour, water, sugar!

Wouldn’t it be nice to add a little salt?

Should I add butter too?

Hmm, I think it would be really delicious.

Shall we try making bread like this?

Now, let’s put it in the oven and wait slowly.

(Count very slowly with the children.)

one two three four five six seven eight nine ten...!!

(Count very slowly.)

 Now, the bread is finally finished! Shall we all watch it together?

Huh? What’s wrong?

Why didn’t the bread rise?.

Think again about the process we created.

What do you need?

(Help the children answer.)

 Yes. We forgot to add yeast.

Yeast is a very small bacteria.

It's so small that you can't see it.

But when it goes into the bread, it makes the whole bread rise.

Jesus said to his disciples, “Watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees.”

Even after seeing Jesus’ miracles, the Pharisees did not believe it.

“I don’t believe in Jesus.”

“They are wrong. They are not right!”

The Pharisees only looked at people's mistakes and did not think about their own mistakes.

Bad words are very small, but they have a big impact on us.

We can't focus on Jesus, and it hurts us.

Also, is it okay for us to say something bad and make our friend sad? No!

If we praise together with our friends, we can make a positive impact on them.

When we pray for our friends, we can make a positive impact on them.

A grateful heart always makes everyone happy.

The desire to help a friend makes the friend happy.

Shall we read along?

“You are doing Great!”

("You are doing Great!")

We must always think about how disciples of Jesus speak and act.

Can you say something nice to your friend this week?

Let’s pray.

Dear Heavenly Father, 

Thank you for giving us your Word. 

We want to make a positive impact on others.

Help us to say nice words.

Help us to follow Jesus.

In Jesus’ name I prayed, Amen.