Team Jesus

Team Jesus

Today’s passage is Mark 8:34

“Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.”

In today’s passage, Jesus teaches how to become a disciple of Jesus.

Do you want to be a Team Jesus?

Raise your hands if you want!

 What kind of image comes to mind when you think of a superhero?

Imagine what a superhero looks like.

They have amazing strength, so they can beat all the villains. They can also run very fast and always come in first place. People really like them.

Superman, Paw Patrols, Ninja Turtles, they are all superheroes, right?

People like superheroes because they are strong, popular, and always cool!

But Jesus is a superhero carrying a cross.
Look at this cross, everyone.
This cross was really heavy. Jesus carried the cross up to a hill. While Jesus was carrying this heavy cross, many people criticized Him. In the end, Jesus was dead on the cross.


Jesus is the superhero who was crucified on the cross for you.

Let me ask you again.

Do you still want to follow Jesus? (The children hesitate but still decide to follow.)


Okay, so all of this is for you. You have to wear a crown made of thorns. The thorns may prick your head, and you might even shed tears.


You have to carry your own cross. You have to let go of your desires and, like Jesus did, carry your cross. And you might be criticized by others.

Let me ask you again. Will you still follow Jesus?

That was a truly good decision.
Jesus allows those who follow Him to enter the kingdom of God.
Life with the cross was not easy on this earth, but it was truly worth it.

Carrying the cross in your life means obeying the words of Jesus rather than following your own heart.

Jesus said to love your neighbor as yourself. It is not easy to love someone other than yourself, but following Jesus is always worthwhile. And can you read this here? "I am the Lord." It is also a command from God.

Nothing is worth more than your life.
Jesus promised eternal life and the kingdom of God to His followers.


Our friends, we decided to follow Jesus today.

You are now in “Team Jesus”.

This week, we will put aside our own thoughts, and try to listen to our brothers and sisters one more time. We will put aside our hearts and help our mothers one more time.


Let’s pray.

Dear Heavenly Father,
I want to follow Jesus.
Help me to obey Jesus’ words.
Help me to love my family, friends and neighbors.
In Jesus’ name I prayed.