The star of Wonder

The star of Wonder
Photo by Michael Payne / Unsplash

Matthew 2

Hi, Guys. Welcome to the sunday school. 

Today's message is about the star of wonder!

Long long times ago, 

There was a humongous star in the sky. 

It was so big and bright. 

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

There were three magi. 

They were the smartest and wisest people at that time. 

Everyone respected them and followed them.

But one day, they saw the humogous star in the sky. 

They studied about this star. 

And they found it was the sign of king of king. 

And they decided to worship him.

They had long and uncertain journey. 

They might not be there. 

They might not have met the king of king.

But they just followed the star for a long, long time.

Just as the magi chose to follow the star to Jesus, 

we must choose what guides us.

Who are the stars that have guided you?

Jesus is the star we must follow.

Jesus came to the earth to be our shepherd. 

We don't know the way well but it is okay. Jesus is the one who guides our path. 

Finally, the magi found Jesus. Jesus was a newborn baby lying in the manger. He was in the horse's feeding basket. 

Did they turn back to their country?

No, They humbly bowed to Baby Jesus and gave him their most precious things. 

What is most precious thing to you?

Is it your toy? (Listen children's answer.)

If you were there, could you give Jesus the most precious thing?

God gave us his most precious son, Jesus. 

I hope that we can give our most precious hearts to God. 

Let's pray. 

Heavely Father/ 

Thank you for sending your precious son, Jesus/ to the earth for us./

We want to worship Jesus like the Magi. 

And we want to follow Jesus/

Like the maji followed the great star. 

Please be with you/ 

I pray in the name of Jesus christ. amen.