How should we live for a happy new year?

How should we live for a happy new year?
Photo by Sincerely Media / Unsplash

(Dwell Church Sunday School Sermon Script 12/31/2023)

Good morning, friends! Welcome to Sunday School. 

Do you know that it is a new year starting tomorrow?

Let's all say, "Happy New Year!"

How should we live this new year? What events are you looking forward to in the new year? 

I want to have many fun and happy events! How about you? (Ask the children.)

Yes, we hope to spend the new year joyfully and happily. So, how can we make it a happy year?

God has recorded in the Psalms what kind of person is truly happy. Now, let's study His Word.

Oh, there is a fearful person. He is in the darkness, burdened with terrible sins. Will you follow this man? (Children respond.)

That's right. In the Bible, it's written not to listen to the words of wicked people. God has advised us not to follow the path of the wicked. John, Could you read the verse?

Happy is the person who doesn’t listen to the wicked.

He doesn’t go where sinners go.

He doesn’t do what bad people do.

Now, let's say it together: "Do not listen to the bad people."

There is a young girl. She looks very happy. What do you think she did? (Listen to the children's answers.)

The girl is reading and praying.

 Let’s read the verse together. 

He loves the Lord’s teachings.

He thinks about those teachings day and night.

God has instructed us to read His Word and meditate on it. He always teaches us through the Bible. What do you think will happen if we don't follow the path of the wicked and meditate on the Word?

Look at these trees. The tree planted by the stream has no worries about drought because it always receives enough water. It's always cool and happy due to an abundant water supply. And, it bears fruit well.

God has said that a person who doesn't follow the path of the wicked but meditates on His Word will be like these trees.

Let’s read the verse. 

He is strong, like a tree planted by a river.

It produces fruit in season.

Its leaves don’t die.

Everything he does will succeed.

Today, we've learned how to live this new year. First, we don't listen to the words of the wicked. Second, we always meditate on God's Word.

Let's remember the lesson from today.

Let's pray.

Thank you, God, for showing us how to be happy. Help us not to follow the wicked and always meditate on Your Word. In Jesus Christ's name, we pray. Amen.