Transforming? Transfiguration!

Transforming? Transfiguration!
Photo by Alexander Grey / Unsplash

Welcome to Sunday School today.

Do you guys know this word?

What do you think it means?

Take a guess.


Superheroes always change into cool things.

The meaning of trans/figuration is

a complete change of form into a more beautiful or spiritual state.

Transfiguration makes it not just Theo but a really cool Theo.

Now, who changed into a really cool appearance in today's sermon?

Let’s read the verse together.

John, can you read the verse?

His clothes became dazzling white, whiter than anyone could bleach them. Mark 9:3

Jesus took only Peter, James, and John up the high mountain.

Hmm... I guess Peter, James, and John were Jesus' favorite disciples.

If I were Jesus... I would take Theo, Zachy, Neo, Eliot, and Benji..


Are we all ready to climb the mountain?

Like them, let's walk around this room as if we were climbing a mountain.

(Take a walk around the space as if you were hiking with the kids.)


Now, Jesus and his disciples would have arrived on the mountain by this time.

What happened?

 (As if very surprised!) Wow~~! Jesus turned very white!

It's really white and shiny!

Moreover, Elijah and Moses appear together and talk to Jesus.

Wait, Elijah and Moses were prophets from a very long time ago.

They are alive in heaven.


To Peter, James, and John, Elijah and Moses were superheroes.

And even Jesus, the greatest superhero I love and respect the most!!


They were so happy.

Guys, imagine meeting Ninja Turtles and Paw Patrols in real life.

Wouldn't you be really happy?

But They even heard the voice of God from the cloud.

“This is my son whom I love. Listen to him!”

Peter, James, and John now fully believe that Jesus was the Son of God.

Jesus’ appearance was truly glorious, beautiful, and peaceful.

He was white as snow and white as a dove.

They were happy just to see it.

Now, let's go back down and see what they looked like at the bottom of the mountain.

(Walk around the room with the children and sit down.)


Now, please sit down again.

At the bottom of the mountain, they were very worried.

People always wanted a miracle for them.

After worrying, another worry arose.

They are so exhausted.


Our lives are like that too.

We are always interrupted by Satan on this earth.

We have to remember what Jesus looked like on the mountain.

But Jesus died on the cross and rose again.

And he appeared in glory.

We live under the mountains,

We must remember the image of Jesus on the mountain.

And you have to tell other people too.

Jesus told his disciples that this was a secret.

But not for us anymore.

We must tell this amazing news to your friends who worry a lot.

Guys, we need to listen to Jesus.

When we hear the words of Jesus, our hearts become heaven.


I hope you live this week remembering the glorious Jesus you saw today.

There may be difficulties in our lives, but Jesus is always with us.


Let's pray.


Heavenly God,

Thank you for showing the glorious Jesus.

Please give us a pure heart to believe in you.

And open our ears to listen to you.

Help us to show your glory to other friends.

I prayed in Jesus' name, Amen.